
MKP MarketPlace

Classified Listings for Items of Interest to Pasadena Area Families

November 17, 2011

Are you a nanny seeking employment?  Do you have a gently used Bumbleride stroller for sale? Is your neighborhood having a yard sale this weekend?

Advertise in Macaroni Kid Pasadena's new MKP Marketplace!  This is your opportunity to reach nearly 1,400 local families who are interested in the items and services you have to offer! 

Listings cost $5 for every 30 words and will be listed for one week from Thursday through Thursday. 
All listings are at the sole discretion of Macaroni Kid Pasadena publishers and must be relevant for families and children in order to be approved. 

If you are interested in placing a MKP Marketplace listing or require additional information, please contact