
How Do You Say #ThanksBaby This Mother's Day

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By Faith Mellinger April 28, 2016
When a baby is born, a mom is born. This Mother’s Day, Pampers gives thanks to little ones for the unconditional love that fills the hearts of moms. As a mom of three I have a lot to #ThanksBaby for.

To my boys,
I remember the moment I found out I was going to be a mother. I can still feel the tears of worry, fear and joy that crept down my cheeks as I shared the news with your father and then our family and friends.
They say a baby changes everything. Thank you for being the change in my world.
Being your mom is the most rewarding, challenging, exhausting and exciting experience of my life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you the world as I hope you see it and for showing me the world through your eyes.
You have helped me exceed what I thought were my limits. As your mom I have discovered the true meaning of patience and perseverance. I have learned that a shoe can be lost, and yet still sit right where it was left the night before. That someone will have to use the bathroom the minute you are about to leave the house on time. That a toddler who must do it himself cannot be rushed, and the importance of the right color cup (or straw).
I have learned to value every rock, stick or other treasure placed in my care. You have shown me what it looks like to have no fear, and also to be really scared. I have been told I'm the meanest mom in the world – and the best - all in the same day.  You open my eyes to miniscule details only a child’s eyes would see and allow my adult eyes to take more notice of the little things.
Because of you I have experienced intense worry as a fever spiked and then huge relief when it dropped and will always have a hidden concern that it could come back at any time. You have given me the confidence that I can be responsible for another life. You have shown me that I can be strong and can conquer any fear if I need to, for my children.IMG_0176
I once read “the only thing better than being a kid on Christmas is having kids on Christmas.“ I want to thank my three beautiful babies for showing me the depth of what this means – not just on Christmas but every day. From my first teary anticipation of your arrival, to the surprise of what each new day will bring, I am constantly reminded of what a wonderful life I have because of my three boys.  

On Mother’s Day and every day, Pampers celebrates that incredible moment when a baby is born and mom’s world magically changes. Thanks, baby, for making the world a happier place for mom and teaching her how to grow, learn, and love more than she’s ever imagined.


Pampers has released a new #ThanksBaby video that captures the precious moment when a baby is born and the beautiful journey of motherhood begins. View HERE.

For more than 50 years, moms and dads have trusted Pampers to care for their babies’ happy, healthy development. Pampers offers a complete range of diapers, wipes and training pants designed to provide protection and comfort for every stage.

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