
Paper Flowers

help your kids make a gorgeous centerpiece for your table or a gift for a beloved family member

By Kate Finlay Zimmerman November 2, 2023

These gorgeous paper flowers are so easy to make!

Tissue paper is a remarkably easy medium for kids, because it's easily manipulated and likewise forgiving of tears and mishandling. It's also bright, fun, and the colors are simple to mix. This craft is a great way to get your kids involved in preparing a beautiful centerpiece for your holiday dinner. Or mark each one with a family member's name and use them as place cards.  Save the idea for later and make a lovely bouquet for Grandma! Let the kids customize with their own mix of colors and get creative.

  • several pieces of brightly colored tissue paper (at least two different colors is best, but the more colors the better)
  • green pipe cleaners
  • scraps of green construction paper
  • clear or green tape


1. Stack 5 or 6 pieces of tissue paper in a range of colors. 

2. Cut the stack into squares for the size flowers you want:  5 to 6 inches is a good size to start, but you can experiment with different sizes later.

3.  Fold the one edge of the tissue paper down by about 3/4 of an inch, then back and forth accordion-style until you have one long, thick strip.

4. Wrap the end of a pipe cleaner around the center of the tissue paper strip, twisting to secure.

5. Cut free-hand organic shaped leaves from the construction paper, being sure to leave a tail for attaching.  You can mark the leaves with people's names if you like, then use the flowers as gifts or place settings.

6. Fan out the tissue paper strip to a round-ish shape bisected by the pipe cleaner stem.

7. Gently separate the layers of tissue, making the top piece stand up opposite the stem, the bottom piece should stick out perpendicular to the stem, and the second, third and fourth layers filling the space between the top piece (center of the flower) and bottom layer (outermost petals).

8. Attach the leaves to the stems by wrapping tape around the pipe cleaners.

9. Arrange beautifully, paise the children's efforts, and enjoy!